Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Rishi Devra



Upon arrival in Arizona, Patton West declares herself to be the ‘Sanctified Regent of the New Americas’ and
the ‘Revered Executor of the Divine Plan’. Amongst a mountain of lies and propaganda, Patton West states that she has been planning to lead humanity for thousands of years!  ANYONE SMELL A RAT?

Rishi Devra

THERE ARE THREE RATS. Devra Patton West, Julio E Williams and Geoffrey Reynolds (see below).

Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Sedona AZ,

This web page was created to debunk the many lies Patton West has posted online about the non-existent Cyber-Scam case. There never was a Cyber-scam case. There were a series of civil lawsuits between herself and John Watson a victim of fraud at her hands in 2002 who sued her for fraud in 2003 and won his lawsuit against her in 2008. By the way 2008 was a busy year for Patton West as in addition to being found guilty of defrauding John Watson she was the subject of an Arrest Warrant for Criminal Check fraud and was found guilty of assaulting her business partner Dr. Pat Cole MD. Additionally, also in 2008, Patton West was forced to sell all her assets at a Sheriff’s Sale in order to pay past victims of organized crime $2,000,000 in court fines an interest. In 2009 Patton West was the subject for an Arrest Warrant for Felony Theft.

Patton West is a pathological liar, a criminally insane narcissist, a vicious criminal, a murderer and perhaps a serial killer.  While a criminal court needs to prove she is a murderer and a serial killer, there is ample documentary evidence that she is a pathological liar, a violent and vicious criminal and a criminally insane narcissist.  Patton West has operated her criminal racketeering business model in three western states since 1991.  At the heart of her criminal activities are the lies and propaganda about her being an Enlightened Master Teacher.  Take the following posting by her which says as much. (The comments in green are ours.)

The Living Rishi, Teacher of Teachers, Devra Surya Sai Adi Maa Durga Devi, Sedona Arizona, revered eastern namesake, royal raja of enlightenment, Mataji, holy mother, female master, priestly warrior,


You can go to our webpages to learn about her fake bio, her secret weapon (that facilitates her criminal activities), her lies, her crimes, her narcissist behavior, evidence of insanity, fake miracle cures, fake career opportunities and fake testimonials but right here and now, I want to focus on her assertion that she is an enlightened being.  

In 2006 she was overheard talking about murdering her business partner Dr. Pat Cole MD, from whom she successfully extorted $1.3 million from.  One of Patton West’s employees, Carlida Finch, later made a statement to the authorities - a copy of which can be found here.  Carlida, who had been given an ultimatum, either to join Patton West’s cult as a no paid or low paid slave or be fired.  In Carlida’s statement to the authorities, she said she overheard Patton West staying that she did not care if she murdered Dr. Cole because as an ‘enlightened being’ she could as easily live in a 6’ X 6’ jail cell as in a $6,000,000 mansion.  I’ll let the spiritual community in Sedona decide if this behavior qualifies Patton West as an ‘enlightened being.’



You can listen to Patton West say this in her own voice, as John Watson recorded the conversation.  

Let us now look at some more of the lies she has posted online. A good example of this are the many statements she has published online declaring her victory over a “mentally unstable individual that targeted Dr. Devra West etc.”  As shown here… (The comments in red are ours.)

The Living Rishi, Teacher of Teachers, Devra Surya Sai Adi Maa Durga Devi, Sedona Arizona, revered eastern namesake, royal raja of enlightenment, Mataji, holy mother, female master, priestly warrior,

Another example of “It does not matter what is actually true.” (If Patton West can convince the public that her lies are their truth.) Is shown above in Patton West’s reference to a mentally unstable individual targeting Dr. Devra West. Patton West wants the public to believe that the person she defrauded, tried to murder and then tried to bankrupt is mentally unstable for wanting to tell the truth about her? Some FACTS to consider when assessing Patton West’s mental health.

  1. Patton West is not a doctor of anything unless you count the two doctorates she says the Christ gave her ‘in person.’
  2. There is no international arrest warrant. If it had existed it would have been served by now. It is just another lie.
  3. Are any of the titles and accolades she has awarded herself since arriving in Arizona in 2010 real (see below)?

Like most psychopaths / pathological liars Patton West mirrors her sins on to her victim in this case John Watson the fraud victim turned whistleblower. In reality it was Patton West who targeted John Watson not the other way around. First she defrauded him in 2002, then she launched a campaign of dirty tricks against him after he launched his fraud lawsuit against her in 2003, then in January 2007 she had senior cult member Dr. Williams send him an expletive laden threatening email, then she launched a campaign of , what one of her employees described as Shamanic Witchcraft attacks against him and his family (which are ongoing).  

Finally in August 2007 she had senior cult member Geoffrey Reynolds announce Watson’s impending murder. When the 2007 attempt to murder Watson failed in 2010 Patton West, Williams & Reynolds launched Plan ‘B’ which involved Patton West & Reynolds launching multiple frivolous lawsuits against Watson with the objective of bankrupting him into silence. She needed to ‘silence’ Watson and force down his website about her so that she could move her criminal racketeering business model to Sedona Arizona without the inconvenient truth about her criminal past in Montana and New Mexico being available online.

Patton West also projects her mental illness on to her victims. Below are some of the titles and accolades Patton West has granted herself since arriving in Arizona. This after being forced to leave Montana in 2010 and after being chased out of New Mexico in 1995 at the point of a gun by one victim.

The Regent of the Spiritual Hierarchy for the Western Hemisphere.


The Rishi (The Teacher), The Mataji (The Divine Mother) & The Regent (The Western Regent).

The Mother of Ten Thousand Suns.

She has been preparing for thousands of years to guide humanity

As the light that shines behind leaders and world servers from across the globe.

As a Planetary Regent her auspicious presence offers the rare opportunity for private audiences etc…

As an instrument of mercy she offers the phenomena of Divine Grace Healing and the karmic resolution of divine dispensation.

Below is another example of her mental illness…

Regent of the Spiritual Hierarchy for the Western hemisphere

Moving on….

As shown above, Watson won his fraud lawsuit against Patton West in 2008. When Watson traveled from abroad to the US to see how much the court was going to award him for winning his fraud lawsuit against Patton West, before entering the court, both Patton West and senior cult member Geoffrey Reynolds served him with multiple frivolous (without merit) lawsuits. The truth is an absolute defense against defamation, but only if you can afford to travel to court and hire a lawyer to defend the truth. Both lawsuits asserted that by telling the truth about Patton West’s two arrest warrants, her conviction for assault, the Sheriff’s Sale etc. he had defamed her. Although senior cult member Geoffrey Reynolds had traveled from California to join Patton West’s cult in September 2006, Reynolds falsely asserted, in his pleadings to the court, that he too had been defamed by Watson between 2002 & 2006. 

You have to understand that this is a criminal gang and Patton West has been getting away with organized crime since 1991.

Because Watson could not afford to travel to and fro from abroad to defend these lawsuits, Patton West (& Reynolds) were granted default (undefended) summary civil judgments in the amount of $5,000,000 each.  But more importantly, Patton West acquired the injunction she needed to force down Watson’s websites about her thus preventing him from sharing any information about her criminal past online. In 2018, when the truth started to reappear online, Patton West had Williams publish a pack of lies online at These lies attempted to portray Patton West as the victim of (a totally fictitious) cyber-fraud scam.   

Some final thoughts on the above posting. 

1. In 2003 Patton West told Watson that if he sued her for fraud, she would get so down and f*cking dirty, huge expenses coming out of his pocket and not hers because wealthy members of her cult would pay for her legal fees.  You can hear her say this to Watson by going here, because Watson recorded the conversation.  This is exactly what happened. As in January 2007, senior cult member Dr. Julio E Williams pledged to give Patton West $2,000,000 to fund her legal costs.  He made this clear in an expletive laden threatening email he sent Watson in January 2007.  

2. Patton West is not a Doctor of anything, unless you count the PhD and D.D. that she told her students that the Christ had awarded her in person!

3. Lastly, had an international arrest warrant been issued against Watson it would have been served by now and Patton West and her two accomplices would be in jail, having been convicted of racketeering and conspiracy to commit murder.  Many of the bulletins we send out to warn the public in Sedona of the dangers of associating with Patton West, are also sent to the FBI and law enforcement in Arizona.  Like this one for instance.  ‘Patton West AKA The Rishi 31 Years of Domestic Terrorism.’  

If the police want to arrest the whistleblower, they know where he is. However, the last thing Patton West and her accomplices want is for the FBI and the police to take a close look at her criminal racketeering business model. In a civil lawsuit such as the ones Patton West launched against John Watson, victory goes to the one with the deepest pockets. With millions of dollars stashed away from 31 years of organized crime, Patton West has a large war chest to fight those victims who go to the courts for justice. She also has accomplices like Reynolds and Williams; the former, prepared to lie to the courts and the latter, prepared to fund organized crime with millions of dollars from his personal fortune. In a criminal investigation, the  investigators follow the evidence to where it leads.

And here… (The comments in blue at the top of the image are ours.)

The Living Rishi, Teacher of Teachers, Devra Surya Sai Adi Maa Durga Devi, Sedona Arizona, revered eastern namesake, royal raja of enlightenment, Mataji, holy mother, female master, priestly warrior,

Another statement packed full of lies. Sedona leaders welcome Dr. DEVRA WEST. “THE RISHI.” The Rishi’s legal victory is a victory for all Sedonans. If Sedona is a place where spiritual integrity is appreciated and held in high regard etc.

Below is yet another example of “It does not matter what is actually true,” if Patton West can convince the public that her lies are their truth! Below are three images she has posted online as part of her campaign to convince the public that her lies are their truth!

Rishi Devra

Image ‘1’ & ‘3’ can be found here.  Image ‘2’ can be found here.

Image ‘1.’ Patton West is not a doctor of anything. Yes, she bought an injunction against Watson after he won a fraud lawsuit against her. She needed the injunction to silence him after threats, intimidation against him and his family failed, and after an attempt by Patton West to murder him failed.

Image ‘2.’ How can it possibly be a legal victory for all? Firstly, her ‘victory’ occurred in Montana in 2010, not in Sedona. However, part of Patton West’s propaganda is to portray herself as a victim and to further leverage the ‘victim’ card she wants the public in Sedona to think they are / were victims of someone trying to tell the truth about a dangerous con artist, murderer and suspected serial killer. As long as Patton West is free, it is a victory for her but not for the community she is embedded within.

Image ‘3.’ As long as Patton West continues to convince the public that her lies are their truth, she ‘prevails’ against Watson and countless other victims of theft, fraud, extortion, violent assaults and murder.

Rishi Devra, The Rishi, Sedona AZ,


In 2003, fraud victim turned whistleblower challenged Patton West’s criminal business model by demonstrating that her claims of being a ‘World Server’ was a front for organized crime.  He sued her for fraud and put up a website about her criminal activities in Montana.  In response to having her lies and propaganda challenged she tried to murder him and when that failed conspired to bankrupt into silence.  In both endeavors she was joined by cult / gang members Dr. Julio E Williams & Geoffrey Reynolds CPA.  Our aim is to have all three tried for attempted murder and multiple counts of racketeering.

Patton West’s criminal racketeering business model only works if she can convince the public that she is a divine being or enlightened master. To do this, she mounts a huge campaign of lies and propaganda whose objectives are twofold:-

  1. Convince the public that her lies are their truth.

  2. Convince the public that past victims and truth tellers are mentally ill while her claims to divinity, fake doctorates, fake life story, fake titles and accolades are the actions of a sane person as opposed to someone who is obviously criminally insane.

In the case of John Watson, who she defrauded in 2002, Patton West first tried to intimidate him with threats and when that failed, she tried to murder him and when that failed, Patton West and two accomplices tried to bankrupt him by issuing multiple frivolous (without merit) lawsuits against him. By outspending him in court, she obtained an injunction against him which forbade him from sharing the truth about her with the public. When the truth got out in Montana, Patton West was forced to leave that state in 2010 (just as she had been forced to leave New Mexico previously in 1995) she is now operating the same fraud extortion scam in Arizona targeting Sedona specifically.

To come to the point, there never was an extortion scam mounted against Patton West. Patton West was the one who defrauded Watson and countless other victims before and since! Her presentation of an injunction she bought by outspending Watson in court as a victory for her against a cyber-extortion scam, is an outright lie.

Rishi Devra, Devra patton West, Sedona AZ,

When fraud victim Watson told Patton West, in a private meeting in March 2003 that he was going to sue her for fraud (a lawsuit he won in 2008), she responded with the following: -

1. You are fu*king over a spiritual teacher for Christ’s sake.
2. Are you a good listener?
3. Yes I dispose of people like Kleenex.
4. Yes my agreements are worthless.

Bonus excerpts that relate to the criminal conspiracy against Watson by Patton West & Williams.

5. Get so f*cking down and dirty.
6. Yes (I defrauded you) but do not see myself writing out a check.

Follow the above links to hear Patton West make these statements in her own voice.

Going to the heart of the matter, Patton West said that if Watson sued her she would, and I quote, “Get so down and f*cking dirty huge expenses coming out of his pocket but not hers.”  Not coming out of hers because other cult / gang members would fund her legal costs.  This is exactly what happened as in January 2007, senior cult / gang member Dr. Julio E Williams MD sent an expletive laden threatening email to Watson, in a vain attempt to get Watson to drop his lawsuit against Patton West.  In that email Williams pledged $2,000,000 to fund Patton West’s legal expenses.  Williams did this knowing that Patton West had defrauded Watson because the recording of her admitting the fraud (see item ‘6’ above) was posted on-line on Watson’s website throughout 2006.

In 2010, just as Patton West had threatened in March 2003, she and senior cult member Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, launched multiple frivolous (without merit) lawsuits against Watson knowing he could not afford to defend them.   Just as senior cult / gang member Dr. Julio E Williams had indicated in his January 2007 email to Watson he funded the cost of the legal conspiracy to bankrupt Watson into silence where dirty tricks, false witnesses, threats, a campaign of intimidation against Watson, his wife and children and an attempt on Watson’s life had failed. 

Julio Williams MD was / is a total stranger to Watson.  Why would a total stranger (to Watson) pledge $2,000,000 to a career criminal that he knew was guilty of defrauding Watson?  The answer is simple Williams was, and still is, a senior member of Patton West’s cult / criminal gang?


In image numbered 2 above, Patton West says “Thank you Sedona a legal victory for all.” What has Sedona got to do with it? Patton West outspent one of her victims in court in Montana so as to hide her past from future victims when she relocated to Arizona. What about all the legal victories against her by tens of her victims in Montana? Hiding that information was why she tried to murder Watson and when that failed, conspired with two senior members of her cult / gang to bankrupt Watson. You can review some of this information by going here. This is the tip of the iceberg.


We have launched no less than ten images on two webpages which spell out the truth about Patton West’s nonexistent win in a ‘Cyber Scam’ Case that never existed. As with many other examples, Patton West mirrors her crime onto her victim. Patton West defrauds Watson in 2002. Watson launches a fraud lawsuit against Patton West and wins it in 2008. To avenge the loss, Patton West joins with two of her senior cult members in a conspiracy to bankrupt Watson by launching multiple lawsuits against him alleging defamation. When Watson cannot afford to defend himself against her lies, she obtains an injunction, thus silencing Watson, which leaves her to defame him with the most outrageous lies. One of them being that she was the victim of cyber fraud. The fact is that Patton West’s website is full of lies and propaganda and is obviously part of a massive fraud / extortion scam she has operated in three western states for 31 years. And yet, this pathological liar wants the public to believe she is the victim of fraud. As Patton West stated in March 2003, “It does not matter what is actually true.” If she can convince the public that her lies are their truth.

For a detailed analysis of truth about the injunction and how it came into being go here ‘The Truth About West’s Injunction.’ As stated above Patton West desperately needed the injunction to force the truth off the internet after her plot to murder Watson failed. Victims tend not to walk into a trap if they know the trap is there.

Patton West’s guru / cult / extortion business model relies on the public swallowing the lies and propaganda about her being an enlightened being. She nets millions of dollars a year from fraud and extortion which would NOT HAPPEN if the public   had access to the truth. When one of Patton West’s victims sued her for fraud and put up a website about her many crimes  in Montana Patton West, aided and abetted by the two cult gang members shown below, conspired to murder the victim   and when that failed conspired to bankrupt the victim.

Rishi Devra, Sedona AZ,


The truth being available to the public, rendered her criminal racketeering business model ‘dead in the water’ in Montana. Motive enough for murder and the reason Patton West was forced to relocate to Arizona with a new name, new false ‘life story’ etc. For a comprehensive look at Patton West, Williams & Reynolds trying to murder Watson and hiding the truth from the public in Sedona AZ go here.

The five the images below are a small down payment on the truth.

The Living Rishi, Teacher of Teachers, Devra Surya Sai Adi Maa Durga Devi, Sedona Arizona, revered eastern namesake, royal raja of enlightenment, Mataji, holy mother, female master, priestly warrior,

And here…

The Living Rishi, Teacher of Teachers, Devra Surya Sai Adi Maa Durga Devi, Sedona Arizona, revered eastern namesake, royal raja of enlightenment, Mataji, holy mother, female master, priestly warrior,

And here..

The Living Rishi, Teacher of Teachers, Devra Surya Sai Adi Maa Durga Devi, Sedona Arizona, revered eastern namesake, royal raja of enlightenment, Mataji, holy mother, female master, priestly warrior,


And here…

The Living Rishi, Teacher of Teachers, Devra Surya Sai Adi Maa Durga Devi, Sedona Arizona, revered eastern namesake, royal raja of enlightenment, Mataji, holy mother, female master, priestly warrior,


And here…

The Living Rishi, Teacher of Teachers, Devra Surya Sai Adi Maa Durga Devi, Sedona Arizona, revered eastern namesake, royal raja of enlightenment, Mataji, holy mother, female master, priestly warrior,


You can help us by circulating these messages across your mailing lists and social media contacts.

Rishi Devra,
Nine ways to spot a fake guru.

For more information about Patton West and her cult / criminal racketeering gang and her activities in Montana please view the following web pages:-

The Lies. The Crimes. Fake Bio. Fake Miracle Cures. Fake Career Opportunities. The Secret Weapon.
Enlightened Householding. The Narcissist. Fake Testimonials. 9 Ways to spot a fake guru. The insanity of Patton West in 1,000 images.